Helix Citrus Juicer | Gadgets For Kitchen

Helix Citrus Juicer | Gadgets For Kitchen

 Helix Citrus Juicer Introduction

I found an amazing gadget for you all capable of squeezing every last drop of juice from lemons and limes, this tool boasts a unique design that delivers more power with less effort—so it’s much easier on the hands. Most citrus juicers require a strong grip to operate, and their vertical squeezing action can be awkward to use. But with the Helix juicer, force is applied horizontally—just twist, and as the mechanism glides downward, the force is multiplied. 

Helix Citrus Juicer | Gadgets For Kitchen

Made with durable stainless steel and nylon, the two-piece design can be separated for easy cleaning in the dishwasher.
Helix Citrus Juicer | Gadgets For Kitchen

 Helix Citrus Juicer Features & Benefits

The innovative 2-piece design of Helix Citrus Juicer, makes squeezing citrus fruits simple. Rather than having to apply lots of downwards pressure, the horizontal twisting mechanism makes it more comfortable to handle and utilises the power of the shoulders to make juicing effortless.

Helix Citrus Juicer Price

$19.99 USD

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