DrawerStore™ Cutlery, Utensil and Gadget Organiser

DrawerStore™ Cutlery, Utensil and Gadget Organiser

 DrawerStore™ Introduction

How organized are your drawers?
keep your kitchen drawer in order with this practical storage solution

the unique tray features compartment for all your cutlery and utensils letting you combine two drawers into one 
DrawerStore™ Cutlery, Utensil and Gadget Organiser

 DrawerStore™ Features & Benefits

DrawerStore™ cutlery and utensil organiser combines five overlapping compartments for storing cutlery with three deep-sided compartments for holding utensils and gadgets. The clever design makes the most of the space you do have in your kitchen drawers and keeps everything neat and tidy.
DrawerStore™ Cutlery, Utensil and Gadget Organiser

 DrawerStore™ Specification

Dimensions: 40 x 38.5 x 5 cm (15½ x 15¼ x 2 inches)
Suitable for drawers with a minimum height of 8 cm (3¼ inches)
DrawerStore™ Cutlery, Utensil and Gadget Organiser

DrawerStore™ Price

$9.99 USD

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