Water Spray Buy on Amazon and AliExpress

Battery Water Spray Mist Fan Portable Desktop Air Conditioner Cute Air Cooler Quiet 4-speed 400ML Hydrating Humidifier Warm Lamp" appears to be a compact and multifunctional device designed to provide cooling, misting, and humidification. Here's a breakdown of its features: Battery Operated: The fan is powered by a built-in battery, making it portable and convenient for use in various settings without the need for a power outlet. Water Spray Mist: The device has a water spray feature that emits a fine mist, which can help cool the air when the fan is running. The misting function can provide a refreshing sensation during hot weather. Air Cooling: The air conditioner component of the device is designed to cool the surrounding air. It may have a small cooling capacity suitable for personal use in a limited area, such as a desktop or bedside table. Cute Design: The device is described as having a cute design, suggesting that it might have an attractive appearance or unique aesthetic elements. Quiet Operation: The fan likely operates quietly, allowing you to use it in quiet environments such as offices, bedrooms, or libraries without causing disturbance. 4-Speed Settings: The fan offers four different speed settings, allowing you to adjust the airflow according to your preference or the temperature of the environment. 400ML Hydrating Humidifier: The device includes a 400ml water tank for the humidifier function. It can add moisture to the air, which can be beneficial for dry climates or indoor environments with low humidity. Warm Lamp: The device may also feature a warm lamp, which could provide a soft, ambient light source in addition to its cooling and humidifying functions.

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