Plastic Bra Drying Hanger Buy on Amazon and AliExpress

Plastic bra drying hanger is a specialized hanger designed to air-dry bras without causing damage to the delicate fabric or shape of the cups. These hangers typically have a curved shape that matches the shape of a bra cup, with two hooks or clips to hold the bra securely in place while it dries. To use a plastic bra drying hanger, you would first hand-wash your bra and then gently squeeze out any excess water. Then, you would place each cup of the bra over one of the curved sections of the hanger and fasten the hooks or clips to hold the bra in place. Finally, you would hang the hanger somewhere out of direct sunlight and let the bra air-dry completely. Plastic bra drying hangers can be found at many retailers that sell lingerie and clothing accessories, as well as online marketplaces like Amazon and Etsy. They are typically inexpensive and come in a variety of colors and designs to suit different preferences.

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