Sifter Dusting Spoon Flour Sieve Duster Buy on Amazon and AliExpress

Sifter, a dusting spoon, a flour sieve, and a duster are all kitchen tools used in baking or cooking. A sifter is a device used to remove any lumps or impurities from dry ingredients such as flour, sugar, or cocoa powder. It works by passing the dry ingredients through a mesh screen, which separates the fine particles from any larger lumps. A dusting spoon is a small spoon used to sprinkle or dust dry ingredients such as sugar or spices over food or onto baking pans. It is a useful tool for evenly distributing small amounts of dry ingredients. A flour sieve is a type of sifter that is specifically designed for sifting flour. It is usually made of a fine mesh material that is able to remove any clumps or impurities from the flour, making it light and fluffy. A duster is a tool used to apply a thin layer of flour or other dry ingredients to a work surface or dough. It can also be used to brush off excess flour from dough or baked goods. Dusters can be made from various materials such as natural bristles or silicone.

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