Orange Peeler Buy on Amazon and AliExpress

Orange peeler is a tool used for removing the outer skin or peel of an orange, while leaving as much of the white pith intact as possible. This can be done with a knife, but an orange peeler is a specialized tool designed specifically for this purpose. There are different types of orange peelers, but most of them have a pointed end that is used to puncture the skin of the orange, and a curved blade that is used to cut through the peel and separate it from the fruit. Some orange peelers have a serrated blade to make the process easier, while others have a simpler, straight blade. Using an orange peeler can make it easier and faster to peel oranges, and can also reduce the amount of waste by leaving more of the fruit intact. It can also be a safer alternative to using a knife, as the blade of an orange peeler is usually not as sharp as a kitchen knife.

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