Maker Dough Pressing Tool Buy on Amazon and AliExpress

Dough pressing tool is a kitchen gadget used for shaping dough into flat and even circles or other shapes, such as squares or rectangles. There are different types of dough pressing tools available on the market, but one popular option is a manual dough press. To make a manual dough press, you will need the following materials: Wooden board or cutting board Two wooden dowels (about 1 inch in diameter) Two wooden blocks (about 1 inch thick) Hinges and screws Clamps Sandpaper Wood glue Here are the steps to make a manual dough press: Cut the wooden board to the desired size of the press. Sand it until it's smooth. Attach the hinges to one end of the board, making sure they are aligned. Attach one wooden block to the other end of the board, using wood glue and clamps. The block will act as a stopper for the dough. Drill a hole in the center of the wooden block, large enough to fit one of the dowels. Repeat step 4 for the other wooden block. Insert the dowels through the holes in the wooden blocks. They should be parallel to each other and spaced evenly apart. Attach the hinges to the wooden blocks, making sure they are aligned with the hinges on the board. Sand the dowels and blocks until they are smooth. Your manual dough press is now ready to use. Simply place a ball of dough between the dowels and press down on the top of the board with your hands. The dough will be flattened evenly between the dowels, and the wooden block will prevent it from being pressed too thin.

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