drain basket household sink hanging Buy on Amazon and AliExpress

Drain basket is a household tool used in the kitchen sink to help prevent food scraps and debris from clogging the drain. It is usually a small basket or strainer that fits snugly into the sink and catches any food particles or other materials that might otherwise go down the drain. A hanging drain basket is a type of drain basket that is designed to hang from the side of the sink, rather than sitting on the bottom. This type of basket typically has hooks or suction cups that allow it to be easily attached to the side of the sink, and may have a long handle that makes it easy to remove and empty the basket when it becomes full. A hanging drain basket is useful for households that frequently prepare food or wash dishes in the sink, as it can help keep the sink clean and prevent clogs from forming in the drain. It can also be easily removed and cleaned when needed, making it a convenient and practical addition to any kitchen. Hanging drain baskets can be found in most home goods stores and online retailers that sell kitchen gadgets and accessories.

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