Customized Distribution Box Stickers Buy on Amazon and Aliexpress

This model is a horizontal version of the meter sticker, the short side is high (vertical side), and the long side is wide (horizontal side), most of which are suitable for horizontal meter boxes. Product Size: (Small) 20cm (height) x30cm (width); (Middle) 25cm (height) x35cm (width); (Large) 30cm (height) x45cm (width); (Extra large) 35cm (height) x50cm (width); (Oversized) 40cm (height) x55cm (width). Standard size can be tailored according to specific size, Please contact customer service for customized size [Product material]: Can be removed without residual glue, waterproof and sunscreen environmentally friendly PVC, with adhesive, peel and stick [Scope of use]: Paste on smooth surfaces such as distribution boxes, meter boxes, wire terminal boxes, furniture, glass, tiles, etc.

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